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12 Efficiency Boosting Hacks for the Busy Worker

Who doesn’t love small changes that can boost productivity? We all are busy, we all would like to be more productive and have more time in our day, why not make a few small changes that can help?

Here are 12 efficiency boosting hacks for the busy entrepreneur:

Say no

Learn to say no to the things you don’t need to do. Saying no or, saying I can’t right now but I can tomorrow, will help you keep to your schedule and your own priorities. You are the master of your time and your success, make sure you prioritise it.

Take more breaks

The reality is breaks are good for your brain. I know that most of the time we all feel too busy to take a break, but research shows that you will actually get more done to a better quality, if you give yourself a break.

Schedule your day

We talked about the importance of schedules in our Working From Home Essentials article, it deserves another mention here. Scheduling your day can help you stay on track and get the things you need to do, done. My mind is most creative in the morning and tends to wander, having my schedule written on a piece of paper helps me to remain focused on what I need to achieve, while creating space for creativity.  

Set a timer for your tasks

Keep yourself on track with your schedule by setting a timer for each block of time. Say from 9:00am to 11:00am you are writing an article, then from 11:00-11:10 you have a break, 11:10-12:00 you have a block of small tasks to complete. Predictability and accountability (even if it’s just to yourself) are the keys to remaining productive. Even better, why not make a colleague an accountability buddy? You can keep each other accountable to your schedules.

Mute distractions

Social platforms are one of the biggest distractions entrepreneurs face today. Put your phone and computer on do not disturb for those times that you really need to focus.

Sound track your day

Playing music at a moderate level is shown to improve focus and boost productivity. Have a few pre-made playlists up your sleeve, pop your headphones in and get working!

Note taking tools

You never know when inspiration may strike, or the phone may ring with a new opportunity. Have your tablet & stylus or a notepad and pen ready so when you need to, you can write your ideas or take down notes..

Don’t over communicate your goals

While accountability can help you stay on track with your goals, speaking about them too much can actually have the reverse affect. In an article published by Psychology Today, the author talks about ‘goal identity’ being a major reward in reaching your goals. The more you talk about something the more it becomes part of your identity, even if you haven’t actually done it. The more it becomes part of your identity before you have done the work, the less likely you are to actually do the work  (read more here).

Bulk batch short tasks

You know those annoying administrative tasks we all have and let pile up? Rather that picking them off at different times over your week, set aside some time to get them all done in one sitting. That way you reduce the amount of time spent procrastinating and are less likely to turn procrastination into a habit.

Keep your digital life organised

An organised space means an organised mind, and as it is with your physical surrounds, it is with your digital surrounds. Tidy up your phone screen and desktop, remove those apps you don’t need and create folders for the ones you do.  

Make your bed as soon as you get up

I love this rule, for a few reasons. If you don’t achieve anything else in your day, at least you have achieved this! It is a calm activity to do first thing, gives space for your mind to wander. Also, as most of us work remotely at the moment, making sure your work environment is tidy makes all the difference!

Create a pleasant work space

Following on from the previous point, add plants, an oil diffuser, pictures, art, whatever your flavor, make your workspace a pleasant one to be in. The nicer your space is, the happier you will be to work in it!

It is said that it can take about two months before a new behavior becomes a habit, so lets get started and create some new productivity boosting habits! 

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